Welcome on board CEAMA, the 10th IRHMA member

IRHMA, the International Roundtable for Household Appliance Manufacturer Associations, counts on a new member as of 21st September 2020: CEAMA, the Indian Consumer Electronics and Appliances Manufacturers Association. The representative of the home appliance sector in India joins the group and, with it, the shared commitment in contributing to advance the sector’s best knowledge and improve sustainable lifestyles globally. 

“Becoming a member of this Roundtable adds great value to our activities and we look forward to bringing our experience on the table” commented Kamal Nandi, CEAMA’s President. Having the Indian home appliance industry’s perspective involved in the ongoing discussion contributes to drawing a more comprehensive view of the sector globally, in which India is a huge player. “It is with great pleasure that we welcome our Indian colleagues on board, thus adding a major piece to the global home appliance industry’s puzzle that IRHMA aims to represent.” said Paolo Falcioni, APPLiA’s Director General.

The International Roundtable for Household Appliance Manufacturer Associations brings together other 9 associations representing the sector, including Europe, the United States and Canada, Mexico, Australia, China, Japan, Korea and Russia. Since its creation back in 2014, the roundtable has allowed constructive exchange of knowledge and best practices sharing. This year, the associations’ representatives could not meet in person due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the travel restrictions imposed by it.

Next year, IRHMA members hope to meet in Russia.

Federica Lavoro